Tuesday, August 31, 2010

That explains it!

I have been reading my old entries, and I see a recurring theme.  Fatigue, fatigue, fatigue!  Well, today I can tell the world just why I am so tired.  I am growing a human--that's right, the Scott family is increasing by one.  I have known since just after we got home from Jamaica, but I wasn't quite ready to believe it.  Well, here is the little munchkin in my 12th week--looking alive and perfect, and I am believing it now.

Tonight, Trey and I told the kids and they are so excited.  They began to jump up and down, squeal, and dance.  Katie immediately offered to share her toys with the new baby.  Chip called his Granna and told her the big news and couldn't contain his enthusiasm.  They both said "good night" and "love you" to the little sibling.  I know they are in for an adjustment, but my heart is warmed by their initial reaction.  Everything is going to work out.

August 31, 2010  Blessing #126

I am thankful for new life and for the love my family shares.  Growing a baby, I feel like I am assisting in a miracle--and sharing the news with my children, I feel like I witnessed another one tonight.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hate to do it...

But I can't hold my eyes open.  My blessing tonight has to be short and sweet.

Blessing #125, August 30, 2010

The breeze and the break in the heat is fabulous.  Walking across campus is almost refreshing again--as opposed to seemingly impossible.  I am thankful for the seasons, because each time we begin to move into a new one, I get invigorated.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Put a Fork in It

Chip has completed all of his make up work.  I wasn't sure it was possible, but it got done.  It is a great feeling to send him back to school caught up. He's practiced piano and has his clothes laid out for tomorrow.  Trey completed his triathalon, and I got every last piece of clothing washed, dried, and folded. The yummy cornbread is in the oven to go with our soup tomorrow night. (Thank heaven for Bob's Red Mill.) What a great way to start the week.

August 29, 2010  Blessing #124

Today is one of the rare times I feel like I've got the house more or less together.  It's wonderful to feel ahead of the curve--however brief an interlude it might be!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hurry and Throw Up Already!

What a great night! We hosted the monthly supper club at our pool-which was a fabulous idea.  I didn't have to clean the house, hide the piles of laundry needing to be folded, or obsess over the centerpiece for the table.  Instead it was about flip flops, burgers, paper plates, and laughter.  It has been a while since I've been at our supper club, and I have missed my girls! Don't get me wrong-I love their families too, but at these events the kids pretty much entertain themselves, the men designate a manly area and stay there, and the ladies sit together sharing stories, laughing, and supporting each other.

It is wonderful to connect with other moms.  Sometimes I think I must be only person in the world with this many balls in the air (like when I was telling my son ,"just hurry and throw up already so I can get in my classroom and leave the plans for the sub and get your sister to school on time, and DO NOT get it on your shirt!" I mean that's pretty bad.....fussing at your sick child because you have too much going on to tend to him!).  But really, it's just that my busy life keeps me isolated from other Moms dealing with the same kind of stuff.

Tonight I was reminded how important supporting other moms is-and allowing myself to be supported by them.  We shared tales of speech impediments, dyslexia, sensory integration issues, intestinal blockages, and the fact that sometimes we are human and just wish our kids could get over all this and stop being so high maintenance (preferebly in time for soccer and piano)--and then of course we feel guilty for being human.  We can't be human-we are MOTHERS!  And, there's that pesky S on my chest again.....

We reminded each other we can't be perfect, we don't need to try, and we must ask for help!  All this went on while the boys looked like Lord of the Flies come to life with their growling and sword play, the little girls had a very extensive tea party, and the men sorted out what Coach Richt needs to do about them Dawgs.

August 28, 2010  Blessing #123

I am blessed to have such wonderful girl friends who can relate to my crazy life.  I left tonight feeling light hearted, happy, and understood. Thank God for these women, their families, and that we found one another!

PS--And major kudos to my husband who did all the grilling and fed the children while we ladies were floating on our noodles.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Blessing #122, August 27, 2010

It has been a hard week, even though it was wonderful to have everyone back at work and school today.  Still, I am exhausted-and so are the kids.  Even if it is cliche, I am so happy it is Friday.  We need to recover and recharge--and there is no time to do that like a Friday night.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blessed Relief

Finally, Chip is feeling better!  He slept solid last night until 9am-woke with no hives, no sign of itching, and just the remnants of a cough.  We have been busy picking up dry cleaning, stripping the sheets, and working on make up work.  He is tremendously relieved to be feeling better, and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  There is nothing worse than watching your children suffer and feeling powerless to stop it.

Katie is still pretty congested but has no fever, so both kids will head back to school tomorrow.  Trey and I can both head back to work.  Today the blessing is easy.

August 26, 2010 Blessing #121

Thank God for healthy children.  When all is going well I think we forget how miserable it is when they are sick. It is so stressful on the children and the parents.  I am blessed that my children are feeling better!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wait for me!!

What day is it? I feel so behind--like the world is taking off whether I'm ready or not....

Well, when I picked Katie up from school yesterday, she had that crazy, head cold voice.  She thought it was hilarious (it was kind of funny; I mean a petite blond 4 year with a super sexy grown up lady voice?)--and then the coughing started.  So, Trey was out today with both kids, while I went back to school.  I learned at lunchtime that Chip is still pretty bad off--Katie isn't worse, at least, but she's not well either.  I went ahead and arranged for a sub for tomorrow and will head back to the doctor with the boy. 

So, what does it take to make this OCD PhD fall off the blessing wagon?  Two sick kids, one full time job, and a serious lack of sleep.  Oh, sure, there are other issues going on too, but I don't have the energy to explain tonight......more on that later.

So, I'm still in my funk--but thank God for this exercise, which really has me looking for the blessings, even in the hard stuff.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010  Blessing #119--one day late, but again with the sleep-I mean what day is it?

Chip got about an hour and half of comfortable sleep this afternoon--granted he was doped on Benadryll to control the itching, but we piled up in my bed and napped like crazy.  Everything seemed a bit better when I woke up.  It was wonderful to get what I'd been praying for--a little comfort for my poor son.  So, cheesy, maybe, but that prayer was answered and it was a good thing.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010  Blessing #120  On time

Back at work today--it was good to see my students.  I was able to fully engage, too, because my husband was home taking care of the 2 sick kids-and he is great at it.  I am thankful that Trey is fully involved and an equal partner in parenting. I couldn't do this without him--he is a gift from God to me and to our children.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

When it Rains.....

It pours.   I was at school late last night for College Night-I can't believe my advisees are in their last year. Anyway, I came home to find that Chip is sick.  Last night we had a leg ache, a nightmare, full body hives, a fever, and a cough.  Then this morning we had the big kahuna with a throw up.  We are only in the 2nd week of school, and I have already had to call and arrange a sub. Chip is stressing about make up work (he gets his OCD honestly), and I'm exhausted.  The Dr. says it is some sort of virus-and that we'll just have to wait and see.  Every mother loves the "wait and see" virus.

So, I'm late with my blessing and I'm not feeling particularly grateful for my lot.  But here we go...as painful as it is I have to focus on the blessing.

Blessing #118, August 23rd, 2010 (1 day late--but I haven't really slept since yesterday so the days are kind of running together)

Chip has hives in his ears, in his underwear, and pretty much everywhere else.  It makes me hurt to look at him because he is so uncomfortable.  However, on they way home from the Doctor he says, "Mom, I wish I was a snake so I could slither right out of my skin."  Now that is one smart, imaginative, sick, precious, little boy.  So, I am blessed beyond measure to be his mother-even on the rough days.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Grilled Chicken Portabella

We headed to Conyers today to celebrate Paw-Paw's birthday (my Dad in law).  We met at Longhorn and had a fabulous meal.  But the food wasn't even the best part.  The kids were so excited to see their cousins, my Mother in law looked healthy and happy, and there was enough love around the table you could almost touch it.

Blessing #117, August 22, 2010

Today I was blessed with safe travels to and from Conyers and the health and happiness of my family. It was a rich, wonderful day.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Big Blue Couch

We have a denim sectional-the blue is faded, but it is still so comfortable.  We are piled up on it right now folding clothes and watching Dead Poets Society.  Katie has her gavi, Chip is studying his Ranger Rick, and the family is content as can be.  It is a wonderful feeling.

Blessing #116, August 21, 2010

I am thankful for the big, faded, blue couch which has been at the center of quiet, family evenings.  Feeling safe, comfortable, and cozy with my family is a treasure.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tonight it's Simple

It was a great first week.  The kids and I are that wonderful kind of tired that comes from hard work and long days.  And now, it's Friday and we get to spend tomorrow recovering.  We'll have a big breakfast, stay in our pajamas and work puzzles, and then maybe head to the pool.  Of course at some point, we will have to catch up on laundry and grocery shopping, but with enough sleep anything sounds doable.

August 20, 2010  Blessing #115

I am glad we had a good week. I am thankful for our school, for work that I love, and the tired feeling that comes with a job well done.  And I am blessed that I have this weekend time with my family.  I used to coordinate tutoring services in a trailer park near by, and the parents there worked nearly round the clock at the chicken plant to provide for the families.  I feel so fortunate to have it this good.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Good Night's Sleep

You learn not to take a good night's sleep for granted when you have young children.  Monday and Tuesday night, Trey and I played musical beds handling crises like leg aches, nightmares, and stuffy noses.  By yesterday we were worn slap out. So  last night we were asleep, every one of us, by 9pm.  It was a boogie man-free night, and it was wondeful.

Blessing #114 August 19, 2009

It is marvelous to get a good night's sleep.  Think about what it implies--to be able to sleep soundly and peacefully,  a person needs to feel safe, content, and well-fed.  We were all those things last night, and I woke up today feeling fabulous.  What a blessing that my family can sleep well.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I had a great day at work, but I dropped all my planning periods and barely had time to go the potty.  So, I'm ready to chillax (as Chip says) and remember a simpler time.

Blessing #113, August 18, 2010

I am thankful all over again that Trey and I had that trip to Jamaica. I am lucky that I had a real summer--no summer school or summer work at the University.  Sure, today was long, but I am rejuvenated beyond belief so I am not complaining!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pillars of the Earth

I have read so much this summer. I read all the Sookie Stackhouse books, several professional books, and just completed the epic novel, The Pillars of the Earth.  It's been a long time since I've gotten lost in and refreshed by reading for pleasure.  I was amazed at the Pillars of the Earth.   It is so detailed and captivating. I couldn't wait for my next block of time for reading.  If only our history books could be written with such a focus on people and relationships, I would have had no trouble loving social studies.  The imagery of the churches, the towns, the monasteries, and the castles was so vibrant, that I felt I'd been transported back in time.

Blessing #112, August 17, 2010

I am thankful for the written word and all that it allows.  We use to learn, to teach, to record, and to entertain.  I can't imagine life before there were books like this one to get lost in and learn from.

The Dog house

Well, it finally happened. I had every intention of writing about a blessing last night, but as I was reading to Katie, I fell asleep.  It was the drooling, mouth agape kind of sleep.  Trey did wake me close to 11 and reminded me about my blog, but I just couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to do it.  So, I guess I messed up.......

Better late than never!  Yesterday the kids had orientation in their new classrooms.  They came home so pumped for the new year.  I heard all about their teachers and friends.  Their excitement was so intense it was almost palpable.

Blessing #111, for August 16, 2010  (posted 1 day late)

I am so fortunate that my children are able to attend this school, and that they love it.  They have been nurtured and challenged by their teachers, and they feel good and safe when they walk onto the campus.  Athens Academy is such a tremendous part of and gift to our family.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


It's the night before school starts.  I've been to the grocery store to stock up for the kids' lunches, and  to my classroom to make sure everything is in order.  I attended the parent meeting for Katie's class and smelled the newly polished floors, crayons, and pencils.  Now I can't settle down to sleep.  It happens every year--I get so excited about the first day I get butterflies.  They're not from nerves, but from excitement.  I love the first day of school!

August 15, 2010  Blessing #110

I am thankful that I still get so excited about a new year of school.  I know I will be blessed by each of the new students I meet tomorrow-that we'll have all kinds of adventures in science together-and that I'll be learning right a long with them.  What a great job I have!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Date Night

We love date nights. We usually head to our favorite Italian place, DePalmas, and catch a movie.  If we've got the energy we stop on the way home for a hot tea or coffee.When we get home we proceed to give our babysitter of the evening the last cent in our bank account.  Well, as much as we would love to have a date night this weekend, we are broke till pay day.  So, tonight we settled for the next best thing--we rented a movie called Date Night, shared popcorn, and never left our couch.  We laughed so hard watching this boring married couple from New Jersey have the date of their life.  Best part was the kids got to watch a movie upstairs, and no one interupted us.  No tattling, bathroom accidents, or head injuries to take away from our stolen 120 minutes.  Probably won't happen again, but we are lucky it did this time.

August 14, 2010 Blessing #109

I'm thankful for our movie date and laughing with my husband.  It never gets old.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Spring in My Step

Teaching isn't something you do for recognition (or to get rich, but that's another story).  At the end of last school year, I found I'd been nominated for the Outstanding Biology Teacher of the Year for Georgia Award given by the National Association of Biology Teachers.  The nomination was a wonderful gesture, as it came from my colleague, Richard, who is an expert teacher and a legend.

Still, I didn't have time to fill out the paper work, video my teaching, or write the essay.  I felt awkard asking for the 4 needed letters of recommendation.  I never think my teaching is good enough-I'm always reinventing lessons. As honored as I was, I just couldn't imagine that I would win.  But I did.  I just got the call last night, and I must say I had an extra spring in my step today.  Teaching isn't about being recognized, but that doesn't mean it's not great when it happens.

Blessing #108, August 13, 2010

I am thankful that my colleague thought enough of my work to nominate me for this award. I'm thankful for the reflection  I engaged in as I worked on my essay--like any good assignment, the act of writing it made me better at my work.  I am blessed there are folks who wrote such nice letters, and I'm grateful that I won. What a great day!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am worn out. The heat is killing me (outside is rough, but the air in my classroom is broken too)-I feel like it sucks my energy away.  I'm ready for bed at 7:45--this is not normal.  It's one of those days I don't care to search for blessings. I would not do it except that I committed myself to this charge, and I cannot bear to even contemplate failure.

So, as rough as today has been, I walked in the house this afternoon and breathed a sigh of happy relief.  Gloria came.  Gloria comes every other week to clean my house.  We can't afford her, but we can't live without her either.  I was greeted at the door with the smell of cleanliness and the peace that comes with knowing my toilets (do you have any idea what happens to toilets when you have little boys??) are clean and the beds have been changed.  A weight was lifted off my shoulders and I am thankful.

Blessing #107, August 12, 2010

Today, I am blessed that Gloria helps me.  I hate to say it, but I can't do it all. I can't be a great teacher, a great mother, a great wife, and have a clean house all the time. I am just not made that way.  Thank God for Gloria!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"A dog has the soul of a philosopher"--- Plato

There's an article in the most recent Time about the intelligence of animals.  Seems there is more and more evidence that birds and mammals are smarter than we have ever imagined.  So, today, Katie and I were watching Beverly Hills Chiuaua (cleary brain food designed at promoting the practice of philosophy), and I was trying to stay awake when Katie said the most profound thing.  "Mom, people don't know  dogs can talk to each other because they are talking too loud to other people and can't hear them."  I find that pretty insightful-we probably are so focused on our species' "superiority" that we have been biased regarding what other animals can do.

Blessing #106, August 11, 2010

Today I am thankful for the wisdom and insight of a child. I think I forgot how much easier things were to understand when I was young.  I remember being confident that every being has a spark of the Divine and that Good always triumphed over evil.  Now things are ever so much more complicated with my experience, my reading, and and my rationalizing. It's become too easy to stop seeing the big picture.  Katie saw it today and she reminded me that I need to look for it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Exhibit A: The Modern Man

After work today, I was really tired.  I got home just before Trey, and I was feeling so overwhelmed with supper plans I couldn't seem to get started.  When I mentioned it to him, he said, "Well, what do you want?"  "Fish quesadillas" I replied.  He set about making them straight away.  They were delicious, and as I put my feet up with a full belly, I thought, "What did I ever do to deserve such a man?"

Blessing #105, August 10, 2010

I am so happy to share my life with a man who isn't clinging to old ideas of  "woman's work."  I couldn't do it without him-any of it, and I thank God for bringing him into the world and into my life.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Today was my first day back at work.  It was good, and I feel glad that we are settling back into some sort of routine.  Chip and Katie spent the day connecting with buddies at faculty kid camp, and they didn't fight me one inch on their bedtime.  But the best part of the day came this afternoon when I picked them up.  I asked, "So, how was your day?" and both began talking at once.  They were so excited to report on all their activities, and I finally said, "So, sounds like it was a good day!".  Chip fired back with, "Mom, we always have great days."

Blessing #104, August 9, 2010

I believe we decide our attitude and outlook--and that the decision ultimately impacts our reality.  If I decide to have a great day, I almost always do--and I talk about making that decision with my kids.  Today I am thankful that they are deciding to have good days too.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Big Trouble!

Oops!  We just returned from a weekend in Helen, GA and I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to do my blog.  So, I did it old school and have 3 blessings to report.  I did think about trying to post from Trey's iphone, but I just didn't brave it.

Friday August 6, 2010 Blessing #101

We stayed up till well after midnight laughing with our friends, Matt and Leslie.  We haven't seen them in 3 years, but we just picked right up.  Their little boy, Corbin, and Katie were instant best friends (Chip was at his cousins for a birthday party this weekend) which made our time together even more joyous.  Trey and Matt became best friends in college, and it is wonderful that they work to keep in touch.  Even cooler is that I enjoy Matt and Leslie so much.  Friends that remain friends across different chapters of life are a rare, precious find, and we are lucky to have these 2.

Saturday August 7, 2010 Blessing #102

Today we went to a festival in Sautee, GA.  I am always amazed by the people who pour into little towns for events like this.  My parents have a farm in Washington, GA and festivals, Holidays like "Mule Day", and battle reenactments are just part of life there.  Sautee felt very similar.  In fact, as I was standing by a booth where a lady was making dolls out of corn husks, I heard another customer say, "Well, you now every February I head to Washington-Wilkes and I love to show the kids there the corn husk dolls."  I'm sure there is festival in February celebrating the Battle of Kettle Creek (not my field, but I think it was a very important battle in the Revolutionary War). I got the feeling this woman traveled around to small town events.  Well, it was a blessing watching the demonstrations of age old techniques for spinning cotton and basket making.  It was special to eat in the deli that has been in business continuously since the 1800s, and to shop in the south's longest running general store.  We spent an afternoon watching the way things use to be, and I left with a richer perspective about the conveniences and vices of modern life.

Sunday August 8, 2010  Blessing #103

There is no place like home when all of my family is under this roof.  We have been busy and apart much of the last 2 weeks, and being together again feels fabulous.  It is as if the planets were out of alignment, and they have just moved back where they belong.  I am blessed that we have all had safe travels and I am grateful that we are all home.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today I met with a few of the students who were with me in Haiti.  Our task was to begin converting our video footage into clips that help tell the story of Bethlehem Ministry's work in Haiti.  We didn't finish, but I remembered that we made some last year during Interact Club, and I was in awe all over again of the caliber of students I work with. They hadn't worked on editing software before, but they were moved by what they had learned about Haiti--before the earthquake and wanted to help.  These girls will have to work at it, but they won't stop till they help spread the message to a younger audience.  When they finish I'll post them!

August 5, 2010  Blessing #100

I am thankful for the hope, idealism, and desire to make the world better in the young people with whom iIwork.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Couldn't be Easier

Some days the task of identifying a blessing and writing about it is tougher than others.  There are always blessings around me, but if my mind isn't in the right place they struggle in rising to the surface.  Then there are days when blessings are so rich and abundant, I wonder how I could ever be so lucky.  Today is the 2nd kind of day.

Earlier, I wrote of tough news.  We learned Friday that Trey's mom (Granna to the kids) has breast cancer.  It was shocking to us, because she is so formidable.  She doesn't have time to be sick, so she never is.  She is one of the bravest, most "in charge" people I have ever met.  I, nor anyone else, could imagine cancer having the audacity to challenge her.  It was a tough weekend, full of reminders that none of us is in control and each day is a gift. 

Now, Jane has taught nearly every one in the county-and if she hasn't taught them she taught their siblings or their parents.  Hundreds of former students, colleagues, and family members were praying and hoping with her today during her surgical procedure.  She had a double mastectomy and had lymph nodes removed.  She came through the surgery great and awoke to learn that her lymph tissue is clear of cancer.  It was the best possible outcome today, and when I heard I felt joyful relief and thanksgiving.

How easy is that for writing a blessing?

August 4, 2010 Blessing #99

I am thankful for the outcome today. I am blessed to be a part of Jane's family, and I love her dearly.  She gave me the gift of my husband, and she is a wonderful grandmother to my children and mother in law to me.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Treading on Dreams"

A colleague of mine sent me the link to this video.  This is Ken Robinson's 2010 TED talk, and it is a great follow up to my earlier post of his 2006 presentation.  It is worth a watch--he is funny, eloquent, and speaks of the need for a revolution in education around the world.

August 3, 2010 Blessing #98

I am thankful for my teachers, parents, and professors who helped me discover my talents.  I am thankful that I am one of the few referenced by Ken Robinson who cannot imagine myself in another career. I believe my work is an "expression of my authentic self."  That is a gift from God.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Gift of Work

Trey's grandmother and I were chatting today, and she told me about all the families in her church who have at least one adult out of work. My family is blessed that we both have jobs-and not just jobs, but careers with employers who value us and our families. Things do seem tough-and it is easy to focus on all the things that are hard, but everything would be much worse if we were unemployed.

Blessing #97, August 2, 2010

I am especially thankful for my work and Trey's work. We both feel that we are called to our professions, and we are blessed to make livings doing what we are called to do.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Comfort and Meaning

Sometimes I hear a sermon, and it feels like it was written just for me. This morning we were still in Conyers with my in laws, so we attended their church, The Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection. We've visited there several times for Holidays or to talk about our visits to Haiti, and I have always been impressed with the message and the reverance of the congregation. But today was really special. Perhaps because I am grappling with tough news (I will share it later-but know that I am fine), I am more focused on seeking comfort and meaning. Today I found both. It's late, so I'm not going to recap the whole sermon, but I will convey what I felt the central message was-it was a message about the power of love-of God's love for us and about our love for one another. No matter the darkness we must walk through, it is never so dark that love cannot penetrate and shine a light to comfort us and help us see the way through.

Blessing #96, August 1, 2010

I am thankful for all the love in my life, and I am thankful that today I was reminded about its power. More importantly I am grateful for my faith, which provides me with comfort and strength.