Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today I met with a few of the students who were with me in Haiti.  Our task was to begin converting our video footage into clips that help tell the story of Bethlehem Ministry's work in Haiti.  We didn't finish, but I remembered that we made some last year during Interact Club, and I was in awe all over again of the caliber of students I work with. They hadn't worked on editing software before, but they were moved by what they had learned about Haiti--before the earthquake and wanted to help.  These girls will have to work at it, but they won't stop till they help spread the message to a younger audience.  When they finish I'll post them!

August 5, 2010  Blessing #100

I am thankful for the hope, idealism, and desire to make the world better in the young people with whom iIwork.

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