Tuesday, August 24, 2010

When it Rains.....

It pours.   I was at school late last night for College Night-I can't believe my advisees are in their last year. Anyway, I came home to find that Chip is sick.  Last night we had a leg ache, a nightmare, full body hives, a fever, and a cough.  Then this morning we had the big kahuna with a throw up.  We are only in the 2nd week of school, and I have already had to call and arrange a sub. Chip is stressing about make up work (he gets his OCD honestly), and I'm exhausted.  The Dr. says it is some sort of virus-and that we'll just have to wait and see.  Every mother loves the "wait and see" virus.

So, I'm late with my blessing and I'm not feeling particularly grateful for my lot.  But here we go...as painful as it is I have to focus on the blessing.

Blessing #118, August 23rd, 2010 (1 day late--but I haven't really slept since yesterday so the days are kind of running together)

Chip has hives in his ears, in his underwear, and pretty much everywhere else.  It makes me hurt to look at him because he is so uncomfortable.  However, on they way home from the Doctor he says, "Mom, I wish I was a snake so I could slither right out of my skin."  Now that is one smart, imaginative, sick, precious, little boy.  So, I am blessed beyond measure to be his mother-even on the rough days.

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