Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hurry and Throw Up Already!

What a great night! We hosted the monthly supper club at our pool-which was a fabulous idea.  I didn't have to clean the house, hide the piles of laundry needing to be folded, or obsess over the centerpiece for the table.  Instead it was about flip flops, burgers, paper plates, and laughter.  It has been a while since I've been at our supper club, and I have missed my girls! Don't get me wrong-I love their families too, but at these events the kids pretty much entertain themselves, the men designate a manly area and stay there, and the ladies sit together sharing stories, laughing, and supporting each other.

It is wonderful to connect with other moms.  Sometimes I think I must be only person in the world with this many balls in the air (like when I was telling my son ,"just hurry and throw up already so I can get in my classroom and leave the plans for the sub and get your sister to school on time, and DO NOT get it on your shirt!" I mean that's pretty bad.....fussing at your sick child because you have too much going on to tend to him!).  But really, it's just that my busy life keeps me isolated from other Moms dealing with the same kind of stuff.

Tonight I was reminded how important supporting other moms is-and allowing myself to be supported by them.  We shared tales of speech impediments, dyslexia, sensory integration issues, intestinal blockages, and the fact that sometimes we are human and just wish our kids could get over all this and stop being so high maintenance (preferebly in time for soccer and piano)--and then of course we feel guilty for being human.  We can't be human-we are MOTHERS!  And, there's that pesky S on my chest again.....

We reminded each other we can't be perfect, we don't need to try, and we must ask for help!  All this went on while the boys looked like Lord of the Flies come to life with their growling and sword play, the little girls had a very extensive tea party, and the men sorted out what Coach Richt needs to do about them Dawgs.

August 28, 2010  Blessing #123

I am blessed to have such wonderful girl friends who can relate to my crazy life.  I left tonight feeling light hearted, happy, and understood. Thank God for these women, their families, and that we found one another!

PS--And major kudos to my husband who did all the grilling and fed the children while we ladies were floating on our noodles.


Adele Gross said...

Thank you for sharing your blog post. You are an excellent writer. I am so blessed to have you, and the other mom's in our group, as dear friends of mine. A community of women; a community of mom's just trying to make sense of our world.

Angela Lankford said...

All that went over my idea what you are talking about...Flies and Lords? Moms supporting whom? Kids throwing up where?
Ok, just teasing - love your blog, and thanks for incorporating our unique little group! The Lankford's truly enjoyed every aspect and were one of the last ones to leave...