Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am worn out. The heat is killing me (outside is rough, but the air in my classroom is broken too)-I feel like it sucks my energy away.  I'm ready for bed at 7:45--this is not normal.  It's one of those days I don't care to search for blessings. I would not do it except that I committed myself to this charge, and I cannot bear to even contemplate failure.

So, as rough as today has been, I walked in the house this afternoon and breathed a sigh of happy relief.  Gloria came.  Gloria comes every other week to clean my house.  We can't afford her, but we can't live without her either.  I was greeted at the door with the smell of cleanliness and the peace that comes with knowing my toilets (do you have any idea what happens to toilets when you have little boys??) are clean and the beds have been changed.  A weight was lifted off my shoulders and I am thankful.

Blessing #107, August 12, 2010

Today, I am blessed that Gloria helps me.  I hate to say it, but I can't do it all. I can't be a great teacher, a great mother, a great wife, and have a clean house all the time. I am just not made that way.  Thank God for Gloria!

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