Friday, August 13, 2010

A Spring in My Step

Teaching isn't something you do for recognition (or to get rich, but that's another story).  At the end of last school year, I found I'd been nominated for the Outstanding Biology Teacher of the Year for Georgia Award given by the National Association of Biology Teachers.  The nomination was a wonderful gesture, as it came from my colleague, Richard, who is an expert teacher and a legend.

Still, I didn't have time to fill out the paper work, video my teaching, or write the essay.  I felt awkard asking for the 4 needed letters of recommendation.  I never think my teaching is good enough-I'm always reinventing lessons. As honored as I was, I just couldn't imagine that I would win.  But I did.  I just got the call last night, and I must say I had an extra spring in my step today.  Teaching isn't about being recognized, but that doesn't mean it's not great when it happens.

Blessing #108, August 13, 2010

I am thankful that my colleague thought enough of my work to nominate me for this award. I'm thankful for the reflection  I engaged in as I worked on my essay--like any good assignment, the act of writing it made me better at my work.  I am blessed there are folks who wrote such nice letters, and I'm grateful that I won. What a great day!

1 comment:

Nicole Smith said...

Dr, Scott, I'm so happy for you!!! That's really amazing! You are a fabulous definitely deserve this recognition! Yay, I'm super happy for you! :)