Monday, August 9, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Today was my first day back at work.  It was good, and I feel glad that we are settling back into some sort of routine.  Chip and Katie spent the day connecting with buddies at faculty kid camp, and they didn't fight me one inch on their bedtime.  But the best part of the day came this afternoon when I picked them up.  I asked, "So, how was your day?" and both began talking at once.  They were so excited to report on all their activities, and I finally said, "So, sounds like it was a good day!".  Chip fired back with, "Mom, we always have great days."

Blessing #104, August 9, 2010

I believe we decide our attitude and outlook--and that the decision ultimately impacts our reality.  If I decide to have a great day, I almost always do--and I talk about making that decision with my kids.  Today I am thankful that they are deciding to have good days too.

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