Sunday, June 6, 2010


So, after we got home last night from our meeting (You know the meeting that was so indicative of our level of responsibility!) I realized that I had left my purse at my parents' farm. This morning I got up early to head back to Washington and pick it up. Dad greeted with me a joke about the "Absent minded professor." We visited for a few minutes, and when I got ready to leave I discovered that my car wouldn't start. It had a dead battery, probably because I had left the lights on. What was I saying about responsibility?

Actually, I don't think this stemmed from a lack of responsibility, but rather from there being entirely too many things going on in my life and in my mind at any given moment. Remember when I said we should add the word "frayedness" to the dictionary? Well, I'm blaming my frayedness for my forgetfulness.

Seriously, it wouldn't have been such a big deal, but I was in a hurry to get home so I could ready the house for the Sunday School Party we were hosting. I am a bit over the top when I'm preparing to entertain, and as the hour closes in, the crazier I get.

Thankfully, my Dad was able to use his new portable charger to jump me off, and I was able to get home, though much later than I had planned. I frantically cleaned and straightened for a couple of hours, but I just didn't feel like I had done enough. The house wasn't party ready. But, it was time for the guests to arrive, and arrive they did.

And guess what? Not a one seemed to notice the grease splatter spots behind the range, the spiderwebs in between the double pane windows, or wisps of dog hair under the couch. Why in the world would I think that this group of Believers (That' the name of our class) cared one iota about my house? All the families that came today have young children, and know first hand how trying to keep a perfect house is a futile pursuit. Tonight was about fellowship, keeping up with each others' lives, marveling about how the kids have grown, and sharing God's love with one another. The kids played, the grown ups laughed and visited, and we had a great meal from Barberitos. It was about focusing on the blessings-not the dust bunnies!

Blessing #40, June 6, 2010

I am thankful for my Sunday School Class. We ask hard questions about the Bible, our Faith, and our church. We are confident that asking hard questions is our Christian responsiblity. We pray, discuss, and laugh together. We support one another through triumphs and tragedies. What a blessing that my husband and I have found such a special group.

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