Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thank God for my Village

Trey and I love living in Athens. We have wonderful jobs here, a wonderful church, and wonderful friends. Our parents are just an hour away, so they are pretty close. We usually get to be with our families during holidays and birthdays. At times, we wish they were closer so they could spend more time with the kids. But, our livelihoods are in Athens and so then are our homes. There isn't really any sense in wishing we could move closer to family--it just isn't possible, so we've concentrated on nurturing and participating in our community here.

Community is a wonderful thing. We have a supper club that we've been active in for 7 years. Several of us had boys within months of each other, and they remain great friends. Yesterday, when I got the call from Vacation Bible School that Katie was sick it came from one of my closest friends from that supper club, Kathie. I ran to pick Katie up, and Kathie offered to bring Chip home when VBS wrapped up. Last week, we carpooled with another supper club family to soccer camp. I picked up their children, and they took mine. Next week, I am attending Rotary to make a presentation with several of my students, and my kids will get a play date with a family in the neighborhood while I'm gone.

The kids and I were at the pool again today (I know, do I have the life in the summer time or what?). I don't even need to schedule playdates, because there are so many families with young children in our neighborhood, playdates are built in to a pool visit. I get to laugh with and visit with the other Moms and Dads, and my children get to enjoy their children.

But community isn't just about visiting and sharing laughs. When I've had babies, or lost loved ones, my neighbors and community have blown me away with their generosity. They have brought meals, sent cards, and just listened while I cried or vented. I have heard it takes a village to raise a family. I believe it, and I am so thankful for my village!

Blessing #49, June 15, 2010

I am grateful for my community. We are blessed with a church family, friends, and neighbors who enrich our lives and our childrens' lives everyday. It does take a village, and these friends, all of us together, have built one.

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