Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Going Up....Growing Up

Sometimes my children make me laugh so authentically, it as if the laughter is bubbling up from my soul. Yesterday, the family took a trip to the mall. Trey had birthday money to spend at Belk, so we piled the kids in the very large family car and set out on the adventure. Shortly into the drive Katie pipes up with a shocking question. "Daddy, what's a mall?"

Yes, you read it right. My aversion to shopping is so strong that my daugther has no recollection of ever visiting the mall. Anyway, it gets better. Once we were in Belk, we split up. Katie and I headed to the Ladies' section on the 1st floor, and the boys headed to the Mens' section on the 2nd floor. When it was time for us to meet up, Katie and I made our way to the escalator. She stood at the base of it with an expression of total awe on her face. She squatted down to look at the floor where the next step was continuously emerging. Her little head would turn rythmically-she would watch a step till it got so far, then turn to watch another. Then, she placed her left foot on a stair and kept her right foot planted firmly on the ground, until her legs were spread into an impressive split. I picked her up before she crumbled and hurt herself, and we tried again. After several splits and frustrated moments, I finally convinced her to step on with me, and we rode up together. We may as well have been on a hot air balloon or flying saucer ride. By now, we had attracted an audience and earned lots of giggles.

Once we reached the top, I learned that Chip was just as amused. He was hiding in clothes racks, crawling on all 4s in the pants section, and playing hide and seek in the fitting rooms. Trey looked at me, and said, "We don't need to spend a dime to show these kids a good time. Let's just bring them to the mall."

We were only there an hour or so, but it was the most enjoyable shopping trip I've had. Watching the world through the perspective of my children, I find fun and humor in places I least expect it. Trey and I were both laughing from deep inside-the kind of authentic laughter that comes from contentment.

Blessing #56, June 21, 2010

Today I am thankful for the freshness and fun that comes with my children's discovery of the world. Routinely, mundane parts of my day are made new because of their imaginations, questions, and wonder.

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