Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Real Work

Sometimes my children say hilarious things. I mean to write them down, but often I forget. Today I am remembering! This morning on the way to faculty kid camp (I am in post planning) Chip and Katie were bubbling with excitement for spending free time on the playground. They see faculty kid camp as all that they love about their school minus the worksheets and homework. Anyway, Katie says, "Oh, yeah, I'm so glad it's summer so I don't have to work," and Chip replied, "Katie, just wait until you grow up and have to be in 1st grade. Then you'll have to do real work!" I just laughed with joy. Isn't it amazing that my son sees a day of 1st grade as real work? It really speak volumes about how much fun the rest of his life must be.

Blessing #35, June 1, 2010

Today I am thankful that the hardest work Chip has to do is in school. I know there are children in the world who spend their days fetching water or working in sweat shops. I am grateful that my children can make me laugh when I least expect it. Does it get any better than this?

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