Friday, June 25, 2010


I have been trying to focus on one blessing for my entry for about 15 minutes, but I am distracted by Katie's intricate imaginery conversation with plastic animal figures. She has been carrying on like this for at least 1/2 an hour, and she has forgotten that I am even here. At this point there is a Mommy horse who is busy mothering a lion, a gorilla, a zebra, a pig, and a cow. The lion and zebra have just begun to argue, and get this, the zebra is winning. Regardless of what she has seen or learned about how these animals relate to one another, she is imagining her own universe without concern for reality or correctness.

As a mother, I am amazed at the detail in her imaginery world. As a high school science teacher, I wonder what happens to children's ability (or maybe it is willingness) to think outside the box. Most high school science students have lost that capacity for tolerating errors. It reminds me of a great lecture by Ken Robinson. He describes our education system-and actually nearly all the education systems in the world-as educating the students right out of their creative capacity. He is one of the most charismatic, thought provoking speakers I have ever heard. Give it a look!

Blessing #59, June 25, 2010

Today I am thankful that Katie and Chip are still able to get lost in their imagination. I am so hopeful Trey and I will be able to nurture and protect their creativity, and that their teachers will as well.

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