Sunday, May 2, 2010

A book that is really making me think

I can't believe I have done this 5 days in a row! Even more special is the way this exercise has me approaching each day, each interaction, and each task. I am seeing blessings I never stopped to notice before. So, on to day 5.....

My mom, a new organic farmer, bought me this book for my birthday. It is really making me think about my life of consumption. Working all the time and for what? To spend more money on childcare, convenience foods, fuel? It isn't good for me and it isn't good for the planet either. Now, I am a committed teacher. I can't imagine not teaching science or not working with high school students, but this book has me thinking about spending and consuming less. I'm not saying I agree with Shannon Hayes or the folks she profiles in her text on everything, but it is a great read and has my family doing things differently. I keep waking my husband up at night to read excerpts--there have only been a few books that were good enough to force me to brave waking him.

Blessing #5, May 2, 2010--It is wonderful to be able to read-a mystery, a romance, a journal article or magazine, but especially a potentially life changing book. I seem to remember a book mark I got as a kid from the school library that read "A book is a present you can open again and again." What a true statement! I am grateful to my parents, teachers, librarains, and even my older siblings for teaching me how to read. I can seek information, I can vote, and I can advocate for myself, because I am able to read. What a blessing!

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