Friday, May 7, 2010

The Summer List

This is a tired time of year for my family. The end of school may be around the corner, but it is also up a big hill. Class performances and projects in the kids' classes and final exams and grading in mine make reaching the finish line tough. The sunny, warm weather seems to bring sleepiness in the afternoons, and I wonder how we will get it all done through our heavy eyelids.

It is probably not helping us with our productivity at home that we have refused to turn on the AC, partly to save money, but also because we are trying to minimize excess and needless environmental impact after our most recent trip to Haiti. It's really fairly comfortable, but it is warm enough inside so as not to be conducive to frenzied activity.

So, what gets us moving and excited during sleepy afternoons and evenings? The summer list-what has become one of my favorite traditions in our family. Being a teacher and a mom can be tough. Often during the school year, I fear that I'm spending too much energy worrying over other folks' children and not enough time enjoying my own. I have been late to dance or soccer because of a long, albeit necessary, parent conference. I have naysayed weekend playdates and even some family activities, because I feel it is the only time I can wash the clothes, straighten the house, and grocery shop.

But summer is our time, and the kids and I begin making our list of things we want to accomplish during the break about this point every year. This summer is particlularly exciting (well, maybe not for my bank account), because I am not teaching at the University, and the kids know Mommy will really be off. I am thrilled that they are still at an age where relaxing with Mommy seems fabulous. They are more into the summer list than ever, because they know I will be fully present during our time together, as opposed to previous summers where I was trying to work out sitters or prepare for my class at the University.

On our list we always include our vacation to Brunswick and the Golden Isles, Vacation Bible School, and maybe a soccer camp. Other than that, the list varies each year. The trips and big events are fabulous, but this year my children and I are just as excited about taking peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the neighborhood pool, sleeping an hour later, and re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia. We've got board games, puzzles, and resting to do, and we can't wait!

Blessing #10, May 7, 2010

I am fortunate that this summer my children want to and will be able to spend time with me. It is marvelous that the very act of talking about our break brings us out of our fog of exhaustion and into a place where we are excited to look ahead toward the blessings coming our way. Even my husband, who isn't lucky enough to have such a long holiday, feels the stress level in the home recede as we plan and eventually enjoy our weeks of leisure. It is a restorative time for our entire family. So, here's to cresting the end of the year hill and enjoying coasting down the other side!

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