Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stamina Sometimes Required for Finding the Blessing

This is a tough night to write! In fact, it is the first time I have really considered putting this entry off until tomorrow. A soccer game this morning, a mother's day lunch at noon, and then preparation for a ballet recital. I was the room mother for Katie's class, which means I spent the recital corralling 12 4 year olds, keeping them quiet in the backstage area, adjusting butterfly hair clips, and touching up lipstick. And now, I am exhausted. My feet and back hurt, and I feel fatigued deep in my bones. I just want to curl up and fall asleep, but I have made a commitment, announced it to the world, and now I have to follow through.

At least now I am relaxed at my girlfriend's house, listening to the children play, and enjoying reminiscing about the stellar performances of our daughters today. While we have been busy, we have been busy exulting in the love of our friends and family and in the accomplishments of our children. It is good to stay awake just long enough to reflect on all the good in my life.

So May 8, 2010 Blessing #11

Today I am thankful for my extended family-Grandparents, Aunts, and Great-grandparents, who spent their Saturday morning cheering Chip on from the sidelines and their evening giving Katie a standing ovation. I am thankful that my children have opportunities to shine and that they have a blast doing it! What a full, rich, blessed day. And yea for me, for staying awake long enough to remember how lucky I am!

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