Sunday, May 16, 2010

Slowing Down, Finding Gold

There is something fabulously lazy about a hot Sunday afternoon. I'm surprised at how leisurely we've been today, since we should be getting ready for the week ahead. I need to have lunches made, clothes folded and put away, groceries bought, the trash bagged up, and the last stack of essays graded. It would make sense for me to be moving 90 miles an hour to get it all accomplished, but sometimes my body and my mind just refuse to move that fast.

Today all 4 of us took a nap, and I'm not talking about a 20 minute power nap. I'm talking about a snoring, wake up and think it should be breakfast time, nap. It was amazing! We woke rested enough to enjoy each other. We had a delicious meal from the grill, heard Chip's piano practice, admired Katie's fashion show of zebra striped and sequined dresses, and shared icecream cones. Now I can hear the kids giggling upstairs, and I realize it might be hard to get them settled tonight. And, I know my husband and I have to stay up late to get everything ready for tomorrow. But it was worth it to slow down, rest, and spend the lionshare of my afternoon noticing the blessings of an afternoon at home.

Blessing 19, May 16, 2010

Today I am thankful that sometimes no matter the pressure I put on myself to "get it all done" I don't cooperate. When I am rested I can focus on my children, and all the things that used to seem urgent disappear. Against a backdrop of Katie singing Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer, Chip making star wars battle noises, and the smell of good food from the grill, it is hard to notice the out of date kitchen, the hideous wall paper in the bathroom, or the piles of laundry on the sofa. I am blessed today to feel rested and to be able to focus on what really matters.

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