Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Good Laugh

I think I have made it clear in my entries that I have Type A, perfectionist issues. I would love to have the time and money to visit with a therapist and work through these issues, but Blogger has flexible hours and is much less expensive. This exercise of finding blessings and reporting on them is my own brand of therapy, and it is working fabulously.

But tonight I remembered that laughter is another powerful remedy for whatevery ails me. I met some of my girlfriends to see the new Sex and the City movie, and we laughed out loud for the duration. It was a scream, and with each laugh I found that I breathed a little easier. I guess I've grown weary, which is pretty typical at the end of the year. Weary from waking my exhausted children, performing for the students, planning, grading, conferencing, packing lunches, and keeping the household in order (to be fair, my husband helps a ton with this, as does Sarah, our wonder part-time Nanny). Each laugh lifted that burden a little higher off my shoulders and I felt free and relaxed for the first time in weeks.

Blessing # 30, May 27, 2010

Laughter in my life is a blessing. I actually have taken a Laugh-a-Yoga class (if you've never done this you must try it! It is so much fun and, again, it's cheaper than a shrink!), and I learned there that laughter is just plain good for you. The instructor also talked about loooking for reasons to laugh. She said that we often say during rough times, "One day we'll look back on this and laugh." Why wait? If it will be funny later on some level it is funny now. I am going to make a concerted effort to find the funny around me and laugh out loud.

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