Friday, May 28, 2010

Simple Life

I sing in the car. This isn't a new development. I've been a dashboard diva as long as I can remember. I love singing along to the radio with my windows down, and I sing loud. I get strange looks at stoplights, but that doesn't deter me. I can't help it, it is like my happiness spills out with the music. My children love to sing too, and their favorite "morning song" for the way to school is Simple Life sung by Carolyn Dawn Johnson. It is adorable when Katie says, "Mom, can we listen the morning song now?"


The song describes days in the sunshine, naps by babbling brooks, and tending the garden. The overarching message is about loving home, and that message resonates with me and my family. (side note, the song is written by Hillary Lindsey from Washington, GA which is where my parents' farm is--I think the song means even more to us b/c we can picture the place the song writer is writing about).

Anyway, today was the last day of school, and on the way we listened to Simple Life and sang at the top of our lungs. The song seemed to come to life, even more than normal, I think because we are all looking so forward to some simpler days together at home.

Blessing #31, May 28, 2010

I am blessed that I get a break from school to focus on my husband, children, and home. I love my work, but I am on stage everyday, which drains me after a while. Having this time to rejuvenate is a gift. This summer, I intend keep it simple, keep it relaxed, and keep me and my children singing.

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