Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm Good for At least a Year

The year is winding down at school. It is a welcome change of pace, even if the students do get stressed about exams and I struggle to get the final grades in on time. The kids have started bringing by end of the year thank you presents, and I am always surprised and touched by this act of appreciation from teenagers.

I, and I'd wager most teachers, don't teach for the thank yous, the money, or the prestige. We, or at least I, teach because I love my content area and I love helping young people learn. It really is magic when I get to watch, and even help, the lightbulbs go off! The gifts are great, but they pale in comparison to a single, sincere thank you. Yesterday, I got hand written notes and cards from a few students thanking me for my effort, my time, and my support. When I get a thank you like that my fatigue and stress just melt away. I am reminded how important my work is, how much I love it, and how it puts me in a place to minister to others. I am granted a few moments of peace, wherein I know I am doing just what I am supposed to be doing. It is the best end of year gift of all.

Blessing #28, May 25, 2010

I am thankful for my work. I am blessed that just often enough a student reminds me that my work matters and that it is appreciated. That little bit of gratitude will get me through at least another year.

1 comment:

Nicole Smith said...

Dr. Scott, this post just touched my heart! You're the greatest and you really are appreciated! I love you!!!