Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thanks for the Appleseed

Blessing #9, May 6, 2010 (and it is a literal blessing)

I know it is a cliche, but there is a lot of truth to the old saying that great things come in small packages. Tonight was a great example. Katie had dress rehearal for her upcoming recital. The name of her class is fairytale princesses, and tonight they really looked the part dancing to "What a Wonderful World" sung by Louis Armstrong, wearing full stage makeup. Chip was in the audience watching sis through an eye that is nearly swollen shut from poison ivy, and trying his best not to climb out of his itchy skin.

After the practice performance, I took my children, plus one of Katie's best little girl friends, to meet my husband, Trey, at our favorite Mexican Restuarant. We had really been craving enchiladas since yesterday, but we didn't want to brave the crowds on Cinco de Mayo. Lots of folks must have had the same idea, because the place was packed. The children had the sillies and were 1/2 playing and 1/2 fighting with one another, and we were easily the loudest table in the restaruant. When the food came, Katie's little girl friend said, "Oh, no! we forgot to say Grace!" Katie immediately piped up with, "I'll do it! Everybody make prayer hands." Then she began to sing and her friend, Kinsey, and Chip joined in the song. The prayer went like this:

"Oh the Lord's been good to me, and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need. The sun and the rain and the appleseed. Oh the Lord's been good to me."

Everyone stopped and noticed this sweet gesture of gratitude. There were audible "Awwwws" and for a moment we, as well as those sitting around us, were looking at all that is good in the world. I don't think an enchilada has ever tasted so good!

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