Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fast Horses and Great Friends

We just walked in the door from a party at my friend Angela's house. This party was for our supper club that meets monthly. The host handles the entree and everyone else brings a side to share. We've been so slammed lately, that we've missed the last few. Tonight reminded me how important it is, and enjoyable, to make time for my community and my friends. Parents and kids ate fried chicken, cheese grits, cheese biscuits, and bourban balls, and then they played a round of bocce ball in the front yard. We stopped to cheer on the horses racing in the Derby. The kids even got to race on their own stick ponies!

There was a moment near dusk, when I was rocking on the front porch, that I wished I could freeze time. Friends were laughing, children playing, the breeze blowing--and the world felt right. What a gift that I can have this leisure time with my friends and family, and what a shame that my life is so crowded that I have missed some of these opportunities.

So, blessing #4, May 1, 2010

I am blessed by with my friends and community in Athens. It is wonderful that we can gather, laugh, and hear our children laughing in the background. It fills me with a sense of optimism and joy, and I am going to make more time for this blessing in my life-what could be more important?

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