Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Truth

I think that all humans struggle with denial about the harshness of the world. We think, "If I stay active and eat my vegetables, I won't get old, slow, or cancer." The truth is none of us makes it out of here alive. The trick is to embrace that and love life honestly.

Children are fabulous at helping with this. They see things adults try to cover up with makeup, pretense or vitamins. Let me offer an example. A few nights ago Katie and I were rocking in the living room. She was facing me and being very affectionate. It was wonderful, focused time together. She reached up and pointed to the wrinkles on my forehead and said, "Mommy, why do you have those lines on your face? Are you old yet?" Shortly after came another stinger. She told me one day she would have babies, and then I would be "an old Mommy." I think she meant grandmother, but she still spoke a great truth.

She wasn't sad as she alluded to this natural progression, just very matter of fact. I, on the other hand, felt like I'd had the wind knocked out of me. Her comment came right after I realized that an anti-aging cream commercial was targeting me-I mean I was the tired, working mommy with bags under my eyes and wrinkles appearing. When did this happen?

Katie's comments served as a reality check for me. Yoga, walking, Oil of Olay-none of it is going to keep me young forever. So, I can be sad, or I can see it like Katie does. I am here until I'm not. I will get older every day. There will be more lines on my face, more arthritis in my knees, and I can only hope I make it to being an "Old Mommy."

So, I am going to concentrate on accepting life for what it is, enjoying everyday, and not wasting time wishing I could slow down its progression.

Blessing #51, June 17, 2010

Today I am grateful for the clarity a child's perspective offers. I realize that Katie is relaxed about my aging because she doesn't put aging and death together. Still, if I can approach life and aging as she does, despite my fears, knowledge, and vanity, then I will have made a great stride toward making peace with my place and time in this world.


Anonymous said...

Best one yet !! Katie and Mom together are very wise!... "I am here until I'm not."



Anonymous said...

Loved this one, Anna. Especially the "I'm here until I'm not." At an admission director's conference years ago, the group leader looked at our little group and said, "The best advice I can give you, to help you in your jobs and in your lives, is to BE IN THE MOMENT." I carry that with me every day and try really hard. Have a great weekend!
Kelley Cuneo