Saturday, January 22, 2011

Disney Dreaming--Together!

Thursday January 20, 2011 Blessing #258

Another busy, but great day.  Katie attended a birthday party at Pump it Up and Chip and I got to hang at home this evening, just the two of us.  That one on one time with the kids is so special--and I know it is about to be really hard to come by.  Anyway, Chip found a penny, on heads no less, on the floorboard of the car.  He couldn't wait to come in and listen to it hit the bottom of our "Disney Jar." 

Now, I'm not sure what Suze Ormann would think about our Disney jar full of change that isn't earning interest--but I believe there is value in saving for something special as a family.  I think it is helpful that the kids can see the products of our efforts too--rather than having the money stashed in a bank somewhere.  This is just an old, empty Crystal Springs Jug (made cute by my crafty sister, Jean) and we are not any where close to filling it.  We've been working on it for at least a couple of years--and we can see progress, it is just slow.

But just imagine when we really take that trip to Disney--each member of the family will have contributed to making it happen--and each one will feel important.  Today I am thankful that we are dreaming and working together.

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