Monday, January 24, 2011

What Consumes You?

Sunday January 23, 2011 Blessing #261

What a busy day!  We were up early to get Chip to my sister, Jean's.  He rode with her to the farm for Payton's 11th birthday--I can't believe my nephew is 11!  Trey, Katie, and I headed to Sunday School and church, stayed late to vote on church business, went to get Katie's scientist costume for her upcoming play, and to shop for ovens at Home Depot.  When we finally came home, we got the laundry finished up, lunches packed, etc, for the school day to come.

It was all wonderful though--Chip had a fabulous time with Jean, Denny and  their 5 boys--he caught a monstrous catfish in the pond.  Our message at church was about turning away from what consumes us and keeps us apart from God--it resonated with me in a big way, so that was a tremendous blessing.  Katie loved having us to herself for the day--and her costume is precious.  We did get the laundry done and put away and the house ready for the week, and then I fell into bed about 8:30--it was fabulous. Oh, I still didn't sleep all night, but I needed to get to bed early and I accomplished it.

So--not a particularly red letter Sunday, I guess--but still there was much accomplished and much for which to be thankful.  As for what consumes me--I have reflected on it all day.  In a word--I think it is anxiety.  I am anxious that my life is too good to be true-that we will never feel financially secure-that my children's or our health will be compromised-that Trey and I don't have enough time together--I could go on.  But, I need to not focus on those things--I need to focus on being thankful and being content with my life. I need to focus on letting go of my need to feel in control (what an illusion, anyway!), and I need to praise God everyday for the blessings in my life. I think through this exercise I have shown that there are many.

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