Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Following in Footsteps

Tuesday, January 11, 2011, Blessing #249

Home again today-with no sign of melting to speak of.  This is unprecedented for us Georgia folks-our government just doesn't keep equipment on hand to deal with snow and ice of this magnitude.  I've already heard that we won't have school on Wednesday either. I know some folks are stir crazy, but in my nesting frenzy this is perfect!

If you follow, you know that I've already tackled the pantry, the linen closet, the kids' rooms, the coat closet, and my room.  I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of the shipment with my new kitchen junk drawer organizers--even though I may be waiting for a while with all the snow and ice.  What could be left you ask?  The cabinets in the laundry room, of course (you never know where you might need to put a baby!) and the piles of baby clothes to be laundered and sorted.  Trey is still home, so he has been able to paint the two chests moving to Katie's room, so that the changing table and dresser can be moved from her room to Henslee's.  So I'm just about ready to start putting clothes in Henslee's closet and drawers!  On Wednesday--I will put all those clothes away and clean out Chip's and Katie's closet!  This is fabulous.....even though when I go back to work, I will be so behind there.

I did need some fresh air today, so Trey and the kids and I went for a walk.  I had Trey's arm on one side and a trekking pole on the other--and I was so careful.  I can't be falling and dealing with back injuries or pre-term labor!  We didn't go far, but it was great to get out.

At one point, Katie calls out to Daddy, "Daddy!  I'm following in your footsteps!  Watch me!"  She meant she was literally stepping where he had stepped, so she wouldn't slip--but I immediately thought of that statement in a broader context.  Our children really do follow in our footsteps, don't they?  If we are happy-they are happy.  If we believe in God and Love, they will too.  If we eat healthy and exercise, they will too.  If we are calm, even tempered, and charitable, they will be too.  If we try to make good choices--not just the easy ones--then they will make the same efforts.  If we work hard--they will work hard.  There I was-bundled like the stay puff marshmellow man--and the magnitude of mine and Trey's responsibility as parents hit me full force.  It was sobering!  Am I setting the best example?  Am I living in the peace and happiness that I hope for my children? Am I modeling good decision making and habits?

As we walked on, I found myself recommiting to those ideals for my children.  It was an amazing blessing that my recommitment followed precious words from my 5 year old daughter.  I am a lucky, lucky woman.  Oh, also, I'm very thankful that I didn't fall!  Here are some pics from another snow day!

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