Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stamping out Ignorance and Apathy...Except when I don't.

Wednesday, January 26. 2011 Blessing #264

This was a doozey.  Today I left school feeling a bit defeated.  The kids had been working on a project and 2 classes did top notch work.  The other one--not so much.  They didn't seem into the assignment, they didn't seem to take it seriously, and it was basically a crash and burn teaching moment.  Even worse, it came at the end of a tough day.  Oh, don't worry---I know that I only have these moments every now and then, so I'm not throwing in the towel in the War Against Ignorance And Apathy, but I do feel like I lost a battle today.  (For years I've always said I'm off to stamp out ignorance and apathy on the way to work or class--today it stamped me right back!)  I'll rally--I'll pull up my bootstraps and refuse to back down and all will be well.  I just think it is important for the world--well at least my illustrious audience (of about 6 folks?)--to understand how hard it is to be a teacher--we really put our heart and soul into something, we go to the mattresses (Godfather reference) for the kids, we believe in them even when they may not give us reason to and sometimes they disappoint us.  The hardest part is the good teachers don't see that as a shortcoming in the kids, but as a shortcoming in their teaching efforts.  We go home feeling like someone has kicked our dog.  And, then, by golly, we shake it off, we head back in and we try harder.

So, today--I'm blessed that these moments are few and far between.  I am blessed that after I pour salt on my wounds I will try harder, not expect less than their best, and ultimately be victorious in the War Against Ignorance and Apathy.

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