Monday, December 20, 2010

Blessings In the Now

Monday December 20, 2010  Blessing #227

First day of Christmas break for the Scotts--so where did we go?  School, of course.  Interact hosted another Parents' morning out to raise money for our Stop Hunger Now (Stop Hunger Now Website) event on February 5th.  We raised a couple of hundred dollars, and all the kids from Preschool to High school age had a great time.   The kids and I will head back to my classroom at least a couple of times over the break so they can watch movies while I grade a mountain of final exams.

My work is never really done, but it has been wonderful today to enjoy a change in pace.  I slept until 6:30 this morning, wore sweat pants (of course, I am sort of running out of options in the wardrobe department!) to the Interact fund raiser, was home by 2pm and took a nap!  I don't think I slept particularly hard, but being able to be off my feet for a period of time was fabulous. I forgot how good that rest time felt during pregnancy.  Speaking of pregnancy, I think I'm starting my 3rd trimester--and so far everything seems to be moving right along there. 

I got to watch Chip's basketball practice tonight-and he is really showing some skill!  He would have played all night if we'd let him.  In fact, he's just finish up practicing piano and come over to tell me he has leg he played hard.  The day ended with a family dinner--and it was one we didn't have to rush through because of bath or bedtime.

So, the blessing--today I had time to experience fully each moment.  Writing this blog, I have become accustomed to looking for the positve, but often it is through reflection rather than in the present.  It is an even richer experience when I'm able to pause throughout the day to acknowledge blessings as they come.  This change in pace is just what Mommy needed.

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