Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

December 24, 2010 Blessing #231

Yes, late, I know, but I've been unplugged for the Holidays.  And being unplugged feels good!  My cell phone was off, I wasn't doing email, and I felt more connected than ever to what really matters.  We were up early on Christmas Eve to head to Granna's.  It was wonderful there-wonderful watching the kids play together, wonderful to feel the love in the room, and wonderful to share a delicious meal.  Everything was made even more intensely wonderful than years past by the knowledge that Granna is on the other side of a battle with cancer.  We all kept laughing about how crowded things will be next year-with Courtni's twins and Henslee crawling around--it is so fun to think about all the big changes coming up in 2011.

We left Conyers and headed to the Christmas Eve service at church. It was beautiful--at the end we sang O Little Town of Bethlehem and Silent Night in the candlelight.  I was so overcome with love for my family and gratitude for Christmas that the tears just started to flow--they were the happiest possible tears.

Anyway, then we headed to Jean's house so our kids could exchange presents and make cookies for Santa (gluten free, of course!  I mean Santa could have a gluten allergy...).  It was a great visit and being with Carson, Payton, Chip, and Katie, it was impossible not to catch full throttle Christmas excitement!  So, this day, I can't pick just one blessing.  It was all wonderful and during every moment I was so thankful for the blessings of Christmas--the gift of the Christ child, the child in my womb, the love within my family, the innocence of my children, my warm home and kitchen full of food--I could just go on and on-but you get the idea.

Check out this gorgeous picture of Katie and Carson mixing cookies:

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