Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Nasty Virus and the Polar Express!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010  Blessing #221

I really can't believe I'm at 221 blessings. Where did the time go?

Well, where to start today?  I had just finished my school day yesterday when I got the news that Katie had made several trips to the office feeling puny. She really didn't run a significant enough fever to warrant them calling me out of class, but by the time I picked her up she had the look.  You know...weak eyes, sunken cheeks, and an overall pallor.  Sure enough, when we got home her temp was 102 and she was crying with a "burning throat and tummy ache."  I'm thinking--STREP!  I am embarrassed to say just how enthused I was with the prospect of strep throat--you know, 2 doses of the pink stuff and she would be as good as new. Well, the strep test was negative last night, so we're likely dealing a version of the virus Brother had last week.  And a virus means rest, fluids, and an annoying degree of ambiguity.  But here's the blessing--I was scheduled to proctor an exam this morning, and as soon as I asked for help, a colleague agreed to cover for me. 

That means I was able to bring Katie to work, pile her up on the sofa in my office with her pillow, gavi, and this wondrous device.  She has drawn some pictures, watched movies, and is now settled down for a nap.  I'm so lucky that no kids are scheduled to be in my room today--so I'm not trying to teach and I'm not worried about spreading her germs. I'm just cleaning my room, working on plans for next year, and putting the finishes touches on some paper work.

It was a simple enough gesture, my colleague agreeing to cover my proctoring duties, but other Moms out there will understand just how much it saved me.  Feels like I just got a visit from my guardian angel.

The best part--even though she is still puny, Katie thinks this is great.  She has watched every Christmas movie we own, and views this as some sort of girls only Christmas fun day.  I am thankful for the day with no students, a colleague who lent me a hand, and the Toshiba DVD player!

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