Thursday, December 9, 2010

Miss Independent

December 9, 2010 Blessing #216

That soup made from the carcass of the Thanksgiving turkey was divine and of course, gluten free, since I tossed in rice noodles.  It was just what I needed last night after the sleepless night with Chip--and just what I needed today during lunch with such a chill in the air.  Just sharing--if you want to see the recipe, here it is:

Turkey Soup Recipe

So, thanks to Mom for salvaging the carcass and getting it in the freezer on Thanksgiving day-when I could barely move!  And thank heaven that Chip is better and will be back at school tomorrow--and for his Daddy who stayed out with him today and cleaned the kitchen! 

But the main focus of my blessing comes from this morning.  It was "just us girls" Katie pointed out at the breakfast table.  We had a great time singing on the way to school, and when we pulled up to the drop off point, Katie's assistant teacher, Mrs. Lucas, was on car line duty.  When Katie got out of the car, Mrs. Lucas shouted, "Katie!  We missed you.  Give me a hug!"  Katie lit up like a Christmas tree--hugged her teacher, and marched into that school like she owned it.

I am amazed at the changes in my little girl in the last few months. She is so bright, so observant, and so confident.  I don't mean I'm surprised--but I suppose that when brother is around she defers to him a bit. (Chip who felt the need to show the Headmaster where to go in the library) I was actually worried she might be upset that he wasn't getting out of the car with her, but clearly that wasn't an issue.

I am so blessed that she feels important and that she feels a sense of ownership of her school. I am so thankful for the teachers who have fostered those feelings--and I am so blessed to be her mother.  It is such a treat to watch her grow up.  Katie is growing up to be a strong, independent little girl. Now I know she will turn 14 one day, and I will think "Why does she have to be so hard-headed?"  I suppose that will be payback for my strong willed ways with my Mom.  But I also know that a strong self image, a strong sense of right and wrong, and sense of owernship in her endeavors will set her up to make the world a better place and to chart her own course.  Nothing could make me prouder! What a marvel she is.

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