Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Finding the Joy--Even in a Glucometer?

Monday, December 13, 2010  Blessing #220

It's here!  The last Monday before Christmas break starts.  In the upper school we review with students today, and give exams the rest of the week. After the roller coaster of emotions I have been riding, I'm looking forward to a change in routine and laid back time.  Don't get my wrong, I don't think I could do it for too long--but by the time my breaks roll around, I'm ready.

I woke up tired this morning-not feeling like myself.  Katie was up with a bad dream during the night, and I was up and down myself making trips to the bathroom.  Besides struggling with fatigue, it is bitter cold-and nothing says stay at home under a fleece blanket, like a windchill in the teens or single digits.  Then, I took my blood sugar-I just picked up my meter yesterday.  Have I ever mentioned that I get diabetic in pregnancy?  Gestational diabetes is the official diagnosis--and I have had with now with all 3 pregnancies.  Anyway, my fasting blood sugar was 108 (perhaps something to do with the fudge at the party?  Or the chocolate covered strawberries?).  Not terrible, but not where it needs to be, and I felt a little weary in the acknowledgment that there would be one more thing to manage.

To date, I've been able to manage successfully with diet and exercise, and I think that will continue.  Success does require, however, a certain degree of self-denial in my diet (never a good idea to tell a pregnant woman what she can and can't eat!) and a fierce commitment to exercise, regardless of temperature!  I'm not a member of a gym-I think they're dirty, and I don't like dropping my kids to be "babysat".  Plus, they're pricey and it is another item not in our budget.  So, I walk the cross country course and I do yoga. Pre pregnancy I also loved my Wii fit, but now that it tells me my BMI is outrageous, I'm too angry with it to even turn it on.  Really---it should have a Wii Fit for Pregnancy feature.

So, this morning when I did my devotional, these were the opening words on the screen:

Joy might be the one most sought-after gift of this season.
Though it can be elusive, people of faith remain ever open to its coming.
Pause now and open your soul to the joy lurking at the edges of your awareness. Receive the gift with gladness.

I'll be honest. I wasn't feeling it.  But I've come around.  I know that I have diabetes, I have a tool to help me manage it, and I have prenatal care to increase the likelihood of another successful delivery.  Today, I ate just what I should, walked in the freezing cold after lunch, and found that my sugars behaved as they should too.  True, I'm going to have to manage it, but the "joy lurking at the edges of my awareness" is that I can--that fact implies knowledge, means, and willpower to do what is best for me and my baby.  Plus, the old ball and chain of the glucose meter isn't has bad as it used to be--It's been 5 years since I've done this, and this ACCU-CHEK is such an improvement!  I don't even have to touch the lancets.

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