Friday, December 31, 2010

Whirling Dirvish!

December 29, 2010  Blessing #236

Today, I bring a new clarity to the term whirling dirvish.  Our contractor is here, and there is finally progress in Henslee's room.  When Trey woke me at 6:30 (sleeping in!!) and told me he was coming, I sprang into action.  I have cleaned up and out two kids rooms, thoroughly cleaned the kitchen, and cleaned out my closet and bedroom.  I'm not sleeping well the last couple of nights--hip discomfort and trips to the potty, but this stream of energy feels limitless. It's nesting, I guess--and good thing took since I probably won't have another break from school before she arrives.

I am confident that folks in Atlanta heard my victory dance as the 1989 carpet was carried down the stairs and out the door!  There are no words to adequately describe the nastiness of that carpet-or the heebee jeebies it gave me.  The room has been a spill over room--part play room, scrapbook room, and guest room, but I was embarrassed for anyone to see it! 

Trey and I bought our home 6.5 years ago--in a great neighborhood!  The catch to living in this great neighborhood was buying the house no one else seemed to want and the only one we could almost afford.  It has been very slow, but room by room we are getting the carpet out and bringing the updates in.  It feels great to check one more room off the list!  Our bedroom and bath is the next big project--then the kids' bathroom--then the kitchen.  We are a long way from starting any of those, but the list is definitely shorter than it was when we moved in, and even though I'm impatient, there is something special about taking this house and making it our home.

So today, I'm thankful to be nesting.  I'm thankful for our contractor.  I'm thankful for the beans and rice we will eat the rest of the month after we pay him, and I feel very blessed to be turning this house into a home.

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