Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gluten Free Dreams!

December 16, 2010  Blessing #222

It is gray today and cold outside.  Not bitter cold like yesterday, but cold enough that I was glad when my post postprandial walk was over.  My after lunch blood sugar was only 89--thank heaven!  I couldn't wait to have some of these cookies dipped in peanut butter.  This is the first Cherrybrook kitchen product I've bought--I could be wrong, but I think it has only recently been introduced to my Kroger.  They are yummy!  And that price is for a set of 6 boxes, so it's not as extravagant as it seems.

In other news, Katie is still at home sick.  I had hoped she'd perk up last night, but the only thing that went up was her temperature.  The blessing there is that she is with a great sitter, Alli, and Trey and I are both able to work today.  Oh, sure, it will cost us--but the financial cost is an easier one to bear this week than the psychological cost of missing work. (Obviously she is not so sick that she needs Mommy and Daddy to hold her hand constantly--of course we'd be at home then)  I'm so close to the finish line with my students for the semester-they take their exam tomorrow, and Trey is trying to avoid using a sick day and messing up his time off for Christmas.  It reminds me of my graduate school days--I would look at all these single guys and gals who came to class with their assignments completed way ahead of schedule and every reading memorized.  Please---somedays it seems like a miracle that I even make it to work!

I have been so impressed by my students today--first, I held a study session for my 9th grade biology classes and every desk was full.  They wowed me with their questions.  I think it is safe to say that they really are looking at the exam as another part of learning the material--rather than a place to regurgitate it. Later in the day my Honors Human Biology 11th graders came in--and again, it is clear they have been working hard in preparation.  The greatest thing about that class is the way the essays are really helping them move beyond the system by system approach and discover important underlying themes like the relationship between structure and function.  It is so fun as a teacher--and gratifying--to see that there are light bulbs going off not just in one topic but across topics.  I mean, this is the stuff that keeps me fired up about work!

As if that wasn't enough wonderful stuff for one day, when I went to pick Chip up today, his after school teachers went on and on about how sweet he was with Katie when she was feeling bad on Monday.  Oh, they tell me that he always hugs her first thing when he heads out to the playground, but on Monday she hugged him and cried about her sore throat and sore tummy.  He held her tight and escorted her to the front office, comforting her the whole way.  I told him today--I am so proud, and so thankful, that he has such a sweet spirit.  He is super smart, super athletic, but the most amazing gift is that he is so full of goodness.  What a kid!

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