Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Someone Marvelous is Coming!

December 28, 2010  Blessing #235

Oh my goodness.  There is really a baby coming--and she's going to be here sooner rather than later.  Today was check up and ultrasound day at the OB's office, and with my entourage, we filled up the place.  In attendance were both grandmothers, both siblings, and Aunt Cary.  I am 28.5 weeks along--and Henslee looks perfect.  She is big--but that is par for the course with Trey's and Anna's babies.  You can see for yourself:

Snuggling against Placenta

Trying to Sleep
Pretty Profile
Anyway--looking at her, I cried with happiness of course--and then it sank in.  The Dr. said it is time for me to start going every 2 weeks now--how can I be this far along already?  Regardless, this is happening. I have no baby room (our contractor is MIA), no idea what clothes she needs b/c I can't look through mine without a room to do it in, no idea how we are going to pay for her childcare when I head back to work in August, and I only have 8 more weeks or so to work with my students before she arrives.  Still, I'm not too bothered by all the details.  I mean, just look at her.  She is perfect and full of promise--and that's what matters. All the rest of it, will fall into place.  So today, I thank God for this precious little baby-and all the family who is here and waiting to love her!  What a great way to enter the world!

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