Friday, December 31, 2010

Whirling Dirvish Day 2

December 30, 2010  Blessing #237

The nesting continues--today I tackled the coat closet and the pantry.  I can't believe how much room we have in this house--especially since I've been feeling crowded lately.  Turns out the crowdedness was just all the clutter.  Usually, I'm pretty anti-clutter, but lately there just hasn't been time for a purge and it has gotten out of hand.

Anyway, I don't believe more space or fancier space is the answer to organization issues.There was a time when I thought bigger was better, but I'm over it.  Now I get it--that I'm grown up.  Bigger house = Big Moving Expenses = Bigger mortgage = Bigger debt = Bigger stress = Bigger health problems!

So, now I'm committed to using wisely and loving the space I have.  Turns out I'm not the only blogger feeling this way--check out this entry from one of the gluten free blogs I follow:

Off the Wheaten Path-Love the kitchen you are in!

 I mentioned in my last post that our bed and bath and our kitchen are hideous. I don't mean slightly out of date--I mean straight up ugly!  And they will be for a while---until we finish paying off our debt or until it rains money.  At this point, I'm not sure which is more likely to happen first!

So, today I'm thankful for running water I use for cooking and bathing, appliances that work, and meals and fellowship that start in my ugly kitchen.  Sometimes, I need to be reminded that I started this exercise to maintain an awareness of blessings after my most recent trip to Haiti.  I live in a  castle.  And I'm grateful for every room--every inch of it!

1 comment:

mrsmckracken said...

Whew, you are busy with your nesting! I'm glad we are both trying to see the pretty in our ugly rooms...because the debt isn't worth it. Thanks for reading!