Sunday, December 19, 2010

Old Fashioned Friends

Saturday December 18, 2010  Blessing #225

Well, knock on wood--but it seems that the Scott family is finally healthy.  Trey was up early to see his clients-the kids and I had big breakfast and got the house straight.  Chip headed to basketball practice, Gloria came to clean (Thank God!!), and Katie and I got a little Christmas shopping done. 

The best part is one of my best friends flew into town and came to visit.  Molly and I were in graduate school together and finished around the same time.  She is a professor in Washington State, so aside from catching each other at an occasional conference, we don't see each other much.  Anyway we don't agree on everything--but we get each other, we laugh a lot, and talking with her makes me better.  She is so bright, so earnest, and so good.  We never part without me thinking about old problems in new ways, and I'm so grateful for her insight.

Chip and Katie were thrilled to have company-Katie bunked with Chip and let Molly have the "girl" room.  We had a leisurely dinner, played Wii, and Bey blades, and really had time to relax together.  I'm so glad she came--and I'm so glad that in the midst of this hectic season, we took time to really connect.  No text messaging or facebooking--just authentic conversation and old fashioned friendship.  Friendships like that--those that don't need texts, instant messages, or "tags," seem pretty rare these days.  I'm thankful for Molly and our authentic friendship.

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