Friday, December 31, 2010

A Year in Review; A Year in Preview

December 31, 2010  Blessing #238

I love times that seem made for reflection--like the ending of one chapter or the beginning of the next.  My life is full of them-the beginning or end of a semester or school year, children's birthdays, and anniveraries just to name a few.  But the best time for me to pause and think about where I've been, where I am, and where I am going is the end of a calendar year. I always make a resolution or two (last year it was to stay in shape--I am in shape I suppose, albeit a bit rounder one than last year!)  I only make ones I know I can keep, and since I struggle with an insane need to meet or surpass my own expectations, I keep them.  So this year, here they are:

1.  I will make my bed every day.  I used to do it--but after baby #2, it fell by the wayside. It is something small and possible-but I think it has a profound influence on my state of mind.

2.  Trey and I will be in less consumer debt at the end of 2011 than we are at the beginning.  This one is also possible, but a big larger in scope-it means lots of things.  Perhaps most importantly, it means we will continue our pay stuff off and stop buying campaign in the midst of a new baby and all the expenses that will come with her.

So, that's it! Today I am thankful to see the close of another year. I'm thankful for the wonderful journey of 2010--and for the one ahead in 2011.  I have loved spending the  last few weeks reflecting on 2010--at the bottom of this post you will find the Christmas letter we sent out (ahem, for free!) to our friends and family.  It was a great year--and I bet next year will be too.

Merry Christmas from the Scott family

Trey, Anna, Chip (8), and Katie (5)

Dear Friends and Family,

Once again, it has been two years since we sent a Christmas letter. Time just seems to fly! So here we go with the updates!

Trey just finished his ninth year as a Physical Therapist and Athletic Trainer at Athens Orthopedic Clinic. After much prayer, he decided to start his own business as well, and is seeing personal training clients on the side. With two jobs he doesn’t have much time to spare. Still, he managed to be the assistant coach of Chip’s soccer team, a deacon at Milledge Avenue Baptist Church, and a board member for Bethlehem Ministry. He is always looking for races and triathlons to enter, and this year he completed the Tri for a Cure in Athens and the Inaugural Athens ½ Marathon. He also took me to Jamaica this summer for our 9th anniversary. It was a fabulous trip, and we made memories we’ll treasure forever. It will be 10 years or more before we can do something like that again-especially since Baby Girl Henslee Scott is on the way. She will arrive in March, and is named after Trey’s Mom, Jane Henslee Scott. Speaking of Jane, we have been so blessed by her early diagnosis, rapid treatment, and recovery from breast cancer. She underwent a bilateral mastectomy and chemotherapy, but she barely winced or slowed down. She has been an inspiration to women everywhere,-and a staunch supporter of those encountering the same diagnosis. Please pray that she will continue to triumph over cancer.

Chip is in 2nd grade at Athens Academy and engrossed in Harry Potter books. He is currently reading #4, and if we’re not careful he will stay up all night to finish. He is still playing fall and spring soccer, and this year began basketball in the winter. We are so proud of his progress in piano-he began taking lessons in the Fall of 2009, and just wowed us with his 2nd Christmas recital. In March of this year, he traveled with Trey and me to Haiti. We are still very active with Bethlehem Ministry and continue to pray for and support their work. The trip in March included the three of us, students from Athens Academy, and several healthcare professionals from Georgia. Chip was very insightful, and one evening at reflection, explained to everyone, “Basically, in America we have everything and aren’t happy. But in Haiti, they have nothing and are happy.”

Katie is in her 2nd year at Athens Academy in Pre-K. She wowed us in her ballet recital in May-she is one that is born for the stage. In the spring she played Fannie goat in the class play, and stole the -show! This fall, she started soccer in her afterschool program, and is looking forward to playing on a team next year. She didn’t get to make this trip to Haiti, but we will take her in the next couple of years. She has spent time at the farm with Nana and Papa (my folks) and in Conyers with Granna and Paw Paw (Trey’s folks), and Aunt Jean while we were globetrotting. Thank goodness for their help! She did enjoy our summer trip to Brunswick. My Mom went with me and the kids-and even went with us to Summer Waves.

As for me, I’m in my 4th year at Athens Academy, and feel like I have died and gone to teacher and Mommy heaven. I teach 9th grade Biology and 11th grade Honors Human Biology and serve as the Interact Club sponsor. In October I got to travel with Trey to Minneapolis to attend the National Association of Biology Teachers conference, where I was honored with the 2010 Georgia Outstanding Biology Teacher Award. It was a great conference, and I was so impressed with Minneapolis. It is a great city! Still, the most transforming events of the year once again happened for me in Haiti. It was so special to share that experience with Chip and my students. Check out the video my students made about their experience. Do Something for Haiti Video As I have before, I came home with an intense awareness of the blessings in my life. Now, I’m doing my best to maintain that focus, and to that end have begun a daily gratitude blog. It is called Blessings 365 and forces me to find blessings even on the tough days. Please follow along!

Well, I guess that about does it! If you haven’t already, please let us know what is going on with your family. We wish you the Peace the Christ child brings this Holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Trey, Anna, Chip, and Katie (and Henslee too!)

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